Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Being a Christian I am told that I am intolerable to other peoples life style.  Its funny that the people that call me intolerable are in fact are the ones that are intolerable. 

We can see this with what has happen with Chick-fil-A and their views on same sex marriage. 

chick fil a

But the issue is that the people that are saying that Chick-fil-A and every other Christian is intolerable are being intolerable to the beliefs' for Christians. Not only are you intolerable but are also trying to take away our first amendment.  Freedom of speech and the Freedom of  religion. 

We Christians believe in the Bible and the Bible makes it clear that homosexuality is a sin.  Christians believe that all sin is wrong.  This includes lying, Murder, hating your brother, and even using God’s name as a curse word. When there is sin, we Christians stay away from it because where sin is God is not.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 (HCSB)

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23 (HCSB)

I am not saying that Christians are perfect by any means. Christians sin to.  But knowing that one sin keeps us from God and the payment to forgive us of our sins was the life of Jesus, Christians try not to sin or live in sin.  When Christians go to things like pride parades, its not to spread hate but its to tell the people that God loves them and wants to have a relationship with them. 

But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us! Romans 5:8 (HCSB)

But I look at the bigger picture here and can see what's to come.  What will people say when the pedophilia groups like NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) come out and say things like, “We can marry or have sex with little underage boys because it’s a lifestyle choice.”  Will the same people that yell at Christians for be intolerable stand  for the so called right of these pedophilias or will they see that it is wrong and speak out ageist it? But then will they to be called intolerable?  Only time will tell.  

But for the people yelling intolerance for what Christians believe, look at how intolerable you are being to what we believe. 


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Honor Preachers

There’s a difference between a charge and a criticism. Do you know what the difference is? A charge is an actual allegation of actual wrongdoing. Like committed adultery, taught false doctrine, stole money. A criticism is, “I don’t like them. I don’t agree. I wouldn’t have said it like that.” Be careful to only bring a charge and not to treat a criticism as a charge. [. . .]

I want us to be a people who pray for preachers, who honor preachers, who hold preachers to a high standard. And if there’s a charge, it needs to be investigated. But there’s a difference between a criticism and a charge.

And while you’re at it pray for me. James 3:1 says, “Not many of you should presume to be teachers because teachers are going to be judged more strictly.” I get that. I feel that. I honestly feel the weight of the burden of responsibility of the task that the Lord has called me to.

From: http://marshill.com/2012/07/25/jesus-preached-the-gospel-jesus-loves-his-church-5-sermon-notes

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Why I do not use the King James Bible

First and foremost I see nothing wrong with the King James Bible, only King James Onlyism.  In fact I love the King James Bible and what it meant for translations in recent times.  In fact in my library I have 4 KJV with one of those being the Bible my parents gave me on the day I was baptized. This Bible means the world to me and it is a KJV.  So why do I not use the KJV if I love it so much? 2 reasons

1st 6/18/2006 I was given my first fathers day gift.  This was a new bible because the one I was using was falling apart.  I had to duct tape it a number of times.  My wife and I did not have a lot of money planning to bring a child into the world and fathers day was coming up. 

Shannon, my wife, knew that me being in Bible College I needed a Bible (again the one I was using was falling apart) and just a  few days before I saw this really cool camouflage Bible.  She took me to the local Lifeway Christian Store to see if it was something we could afford. 

As we walked in I saw the Bible I wanted and the price, $20.  I had my first fathers day gift.  A Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) The Sportsman's Bible


I used this Bible for most of my college career and this was the translation I used to copy the 1st have of Romans and scripture that I memorized.  I have come to know and love this translation and in my library I have 5 different types of the HCSB.  This is my Bible translation that I use.

The 2nd reason I do not use the KJV is simply that it is hard for me to read and understand.  I have a learning disability that makes it hard for me to read and spell.  I have had this all  my life but I have tried not to let it get me down. 

When I first became a Christian the only Bible I had was a KJV and I tried to read it but I could not understand what I was reading if I could read it.  I found it hard to connect with God in my quite time through His word because I could not get a handle on it.  For me I need something that was better for me to read so that I could fully understand His word.  The HCSB is that translation that I needed and that works for me. 

Like I have said before I don’t see anything wrong with the KJV but I do see things wrong with people who are King James Onlyism. 

END OF LINE…        

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

First Baptist Duchesne Makes it into the Newspaper!!!


I was happy today to get a call from my wife asking me if I knew that First Baptist Duchesne Vacation Bible School and I were in our local newspaper (Uintah Basin Standard).  This is great for our church because we are the only Christian (SBC) church in a highly Mormon town. This is a great thing for VBS, First Baptist Duchesne, and Christians in the Uintah Basin as a whole.  God is Great


Monday, July 16, 2012

The Power of Books

Reading is great.  I ask people to read the Bible (Gospel of John) when they are starting and also this books as well.  Please pick it up and read.


God is Great

Being a pastor and a Christian I have seen and talked to a lot of people.  Some good, others not so good, but I guess that is part of it working in this line of work.  I have been hit a lot in the past few years but with being hit I have also had the joy of seeing God working in a very lost state. 

Living in Utah my heart brakes a lot of the people here.  I can only hope that more people are reached before the end.  As Christians we need to understand that we need to work evermore hard at what we are called to do, The Great Commission. 

If we want to see lost souls saved this is the action we MUST take.  We are called to be evangelist (2 Tim 4:5) and we follow God’s command.  I am starting to see new life in Utah which is a great thing and I believe that when we as Christians come together we will win this state. 

Talking with Christians in Utah we can feel a change coming.  We can feel that God is going to move this state in a big way.  Though I have been hit, I cannot wait to see the good that comes from this state.  I called to God that make it sooner but I know it’s all in His timing.  I just hope the people get onboard and follow Jesus.  Because soon it will be to late.