Thursday, December 27, 2012

Sea Shepherd Invites Concerned Nations to Witness Activities in Southern Ocean


The Yushin Maru performing "scientific research"The Yushin Maru performing "scientific research"

Photo: Australian CustomsIn response to recent reports stating concern by Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands and the United States over potential conflicts in the Southern Ocean between Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and Japan’s whaling fleet, Sea Shepherd would like to invite Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands and the United States to send a representative to join the Sea Shepherd ships at sea to witness first-hand the “incidents” about which they have concern.

This invitation echoes the call on Monday documented in news reports by Australia’s Environment spokesman Greg Hunt stating he wrote to Prime Minister Julia Gillard proposing that Australia send a Customs vessel to monitor the impending face-off in the Southern Ocean. Citing a resolution passed by the International Maritime Organization in 2010 compelling whaling vessels to ensure the safety of protesters during demonstrations, rallies or confrontations on the high seas, reports state that Australia has “warned Japanese whaling vessels it won't tolerate protesters being threatened.”

Australia states it remains “resolutely opposed” to commercial whaling, including so-called "scientific" whaling, and has expressed concern about hunting activities in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.

Sea Shepherd wishes to thank Australia for its support. Until now warnings by the nations noted herein have been directed primarily at Sea Shepherd, while simple facts in the case have being ignored, specifically:

  1. The Japanese whaling fleet is in contempt of the Australian Federal Court that ordered them to not kill whales in the waters of the Australian Antarctic Territory.
  2. The whales are being slaughtered in an internationally established whale sanctuary.
    The definition of a “sanctuary” is: noun: a consecrated place where sacred objects are kept or noun:  a shelter from danger or hardship. This fact is not being considered by the nations concerned.
  3. The Japanese destroyed a Sea Shepherd vessel, the New Zealand-registered Ady Gil, and refused to cooperate with New Zealand investigating authorities. They injured an Animal Planet cameraman and almost killed six crewmembers without any legal or civil consequences whatsoever.
  4. A Japanese harpoon vessel deliberately rammed the Sea Shepherd vessel, the Bob Barker, causing excessive damage.
  5. A Japanese whaling vessel deliberately collided with the Sea Shepherd vessel, the Robert Hunter(renamed the Steve Irwin).
  6. Sea Shepherd crew have been injured by water cannons and bamboo spears.
  7. Captain Paul Watson was shot during an incident between the Steve Irwin and the Nisshin Maru.
  8. Not a single documented injury has been caused to any of the Japanese crew by the Sea Shepherd crew.
  9. Sea Shepherd has a policy of non-violence and has never caused an injury to a person in the entire 35-year history of the organization.
  10. Sea Shepherd has a policy of working within the law and has not had a criminal or civil conviction in the entire 35-year history of the organization.
  11. The only reason Sea Shepherd is intervening is because the Japanese whaling fleet is killing protected and endangered species in an internationally established whale sanctuary in violation of a global moratorium on commercial whaling. Sea Shepherd is simply trying to uphold international conservation law where diplomacy has failed and where there has been a failure of enforcement by the signatory nations of the International Whaling Commission.

Sea Shepherd invites Australia to send a ship to monitor the situation and to keep the peace. Similarly, if New Zealand, the Netherlands or the U.S. are truly concerned about safety at sea, they should send a representative onboard the Sea Shepherd ships and the Japanese vessels to observe the situation for themselves.

The SSS Bob Barker in the Southern OceanThe SSS Bob Barker in the Southern Ocean
Photo: Billy Danger / Sea Shepherd

Sea Shepherd Australia wishes to make it clear that Sea Shepherd does not wish nor intends to do anything illegal or violent. We never have and we never intend to.

The governments of the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and the Netherlands claim to oppose whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary — a sanctuary they themselves voted into existence — but none of these governments is actively protecting the sanctuary. Australia is taking Japan to court but most likely Japan will ignore any ruling from the international court just as they have ignored the Australian ruling. Where is the enforcement of the integrity of this internationally designated sanctuary? Where are the sanctions against Japan for blatantly ignoring international conservation law?

“The least these governments can do is to observe the situation first-hand to get an objective understanding of the situation instead of simply condemning Sea Shepherd and ignoring the violence and the crimes of the Japanese whaling fleet,” said Sea Shepherd founder and President Captain Paul Watson.

For further information:

SBS World News - Customs must monitor whaling

The Courier-Mail - Customs vessel must monitor hunt

Zero Tolerance

Visit our
Operation Zero Tolerance
site for more information about our
2012-2013 Antarctic Whale Defense Campaign

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


written by Richard O'Barry

When you first see a dolphin show, it looks like a lot of fun. The dolphins are always smiling, and they're also laughing in their own way - and so are we. The audience is applauding as these marvelous creatures - so intelligent, so bursting with energy - doing amazing tricks for us.

Could anything be better?

Well, yes. It could be better if it were true. The dolphin smiling and all of us laughing and having a rollicking good time, all this seems like it's really happening. But look again. It's actually show business. At first glance you think it's real and I don't blame you, because it's magic, theater magic.

For many years I worked the show-biz side of things. I helped capture dolphins for the Miami Seaquarium and trained them, putting on a great show of dolphins leaping and jumping through hoops on command and acting the clown in amusing skits. I even trained the most famous of all dolphins, Flipper, who starred in his own TV series and feature films during the 1960s, some of which are still being seen around the world. It was a great job and a daily challenge, staying ahead of the scriptwriters and the several dolphins that played the role of Flipper.


Only toward the end of my dolphin-training career did I admit to myself that there's something wrong about using dolphins for our amusement. They have wonderfully rich lives of their own until we yank them out of the sea, their lives as a species going back 60 million years. I worked for a time on the Miami Seaquarium Capture Boat and used to help abduct them, kicking and screaming all the way. We brought them ashore and dumped them into an alien fantasy world -- and why? It was my job. If someone would pay me to do this, surely, I thought, it must be okay. I really thought what I was doing was acceptable. I even convinced myself that the dolphins we captured were lucky because they would be cared for by humans for the rest of their lives. And listen to the people laugh and clap their hands when the dolphins do flips in the air. Isn't that worth something?

I could have stayed in the business of capturing and training dolphins and could have made a lot of money doing it. But when the Flipper show ended and I suddenly had lots of time to think about my life so far, I was sick to my stomach. I was appalled and disgusted by what I had been part of. I was also determined to stop it.

Oh, it would be difficult, I knew. Perhaps impossible. If it had taken me years to see dolphins as they actually are and what we were doing to them, how could I expect the public to understand? I was being paid to think that it was okay, of course. On the other hand, I knew what dolphins in the wild were really like. Most people who go to dolphin shows believe that it's great family entertainment. How could I get anyone to realize that this is just a lie, an elaborate ruse masking our ruthless exploitation of these magnificent creatures?

Like any other business, the dolphin captivity industry is based on supply and demand. As long as there are people willing to buy tickets to watch dolphins perform tricks, dolphins will be captured from the wild and trained to perform for huge paying audiences. Therefore, the key to putting a stop to the exploitation of dolphins is to reach the consumers. I am sure that if the public knew what really goes on behind the glittering scene of the captive dolphin spectacle, most would revolt against it. In other words, rather than buying tickets to watch dolphins perform, they would be helping us free them.

Getting worldwide public opinion on our side, getting people to see what we see at a dolphin show, that's our big goal. And we're making some progress overall, winning in some parts of the world; losing in others. If people understand our message, they'll join us. I'm sure of that. If they can realize that when we talk about “dolphin abuse,” we don't necessarily mean that they're being kicked or neglected. Being in captivity itself is abusive. For a wild dolphin swimming free, being captured and plunged into a tank that's like a teacup, how could that not be abusive?

The other side, and why they hate us

Owners of dolphin shows and the people who work there have a huge advantage. For openers, many people like the shows. They're amused by the silly dolphin antics. Or they love the spectacles of animal domination, and the more amazing the animal, the more they love it. Chances are they'll never understand what we are trying to do. But a lot of others are borderline. They will listen to us and to their own heart.

The other side has lots of money, billions of dollars. As part of the establishment, they make money and pay taxes. They're good citizens. They advertise, they support the chamber of commerce, and as far as the government is concerned, dolphin shows are just another taxable business.
But it's an ugly business, and that's our key to winning.

Since many people are amused by dolphins doing tricks, the key to our campaign is to show them that it's not amusing, that in fact it's disgusting. If we could convince even a third of the people who go to these shows that it's actually exploitation of the most unforgivable kind, the shows would end tomorrow.
Why do they hate us? They hate us because if we succeed, they go down in flames.

Getting to know dolphins

One of the first steps in getting others to see the problem is to know dolphins in the wild. The most obvious and important difference is that wild dolphins don't wear funny hats, for instance. Nor do they jump through hoops, dance on their tails, applaud themselves with their pectoral fins, or make squeaky sounds like Flipper the TV star.

In your study of dolphins you'll find that the majority of dolphins held in captivity are Atlantic Bottlenose dolphins. (Tursiops truncatus) They live in temperate and tropical waters worldwide, weigh from 300 to 600 pounds and grow to more than eight feet in length. They live in groups called “pods,” made up of from several individuals to several hundred - males usually hanging out with males, females with females and their calves - and they swim up to 40 miles a day, navigating, socializing, mating, and foraging for schools of fish.

Whales (Cetacea) are divided into 13 families, which are composed of about 76 species. Four of those 13 families are baleen whales (Mysticeti), those that swim through the ocean sifting out plankton (like small crustaceans and krill) to eat. All the other families are Odontoceti, which means that they have teeth. They use these teeth not for chewing, incidentally, but for grasping. One of those families, the Delphinidae, is composed of 31 species, including the killer whale (Orca), common dolphin, porpoise, spinner dolphin and the bottlenose dolphin, (Tursiops truncatus), the one like Flipper.

But when we see them at a dolphin show, what do we see? I'll tell you what I see. I see a dolphin eager to please and ready to do whatever the trainer wants him to. And why? Because he's hungry. Yes, dolphins perform tricks because that's when they're fed. One of the first things a trainer learns about dolphins is that they do not perform immediately unless they're hungry. This is why dolphins are fed during the show. You see the trainer blow a whistle and toss them a fish every time they do something right. And they know what they're supposed to do because they've been trained to expect a fish when they get it right. In fact they often start the show themselves when they get hungry. The trainers call their training method “positive reward.” From the dolphins’ perspective, however, it's food deprivation. If the dolphins get it wrong and the whistle is not blown, that means they won't be getting any fish reward.

If you understand the life of captive dolphins, you also begin to see the dolphin show with all its clowning around in another way. It's not clever anymore. It's abusive. When we understand that the dolphins are doing this because it's their only way of staying alive, we see it clearly for what it is: dominance. We're making dolphins do silly things, they would never do in nature, because we're amused by dominating helpless members of another species. The worst part is that it teaches children that it's okay to mock and disrespect one of nature's most fabulous of beings. The law permits this only because it's supposed to be educational. What a joke! But the joke is on us. These pathetic dolphins in captivity, wearing funny hats and leaping through hoops, are in no way like dolphins are in the wild.

The saddest part is that we've allowed the entertainment industry not only to twist a beautiful species into a parody of itself but also allowed them to profit from it.
What happens to dolphins when the show is over and everybody is gone? Most of the dolphins do nothing at all. They languish in their tank or cage and wait for the next show, the next feeding.

If you feel the same way about dolphins that I do, then this booklet is for you. Either you want to stop a planned dolphinarium or try to shut down an existing one. Or you want to stop the capture and trade (import and export) in dolphins. Or maybe you simply want to help us spread the word about the plight of captive dolphins.

Getting Organized

Animal protection organizations are practically everywhere, but not all of them work on the dolphin captivity issue. Unfortunately, some groups simply post information about the dolphin captivity issue on their websites for fund-raising purposes. Do your homework and ask them exactly what they are doing on this issue. Log onto your computer and surf the web, call newspapers, check at city hall and the chamber of commerce for organizations that are already working on the kind of campaign you wish to conduct. If you find one, join them. If none of the organizations you contact work on the dolphin captivity issue, maybe you can get them interested in starting such a campaign.

In working for dolphins or any other cause, you'll discover that you need to communicate with some government agencies, as well as people in the media, law enforcement officials and civic organizations. You'll need to write to these people from time to time, they'll get to know your name, you'll make appointments to talk to them at their office and later, perhaps, you'll get to know them well enough so that you can just drop by if you have a special problem or a question. You may get lucky; some of these people may be closet animal protection supporters.

If you have a special problem, something that needs immediate attention, consider calling in the media. Their job is reporting special problems.
And don't forget civic clubs. If you like to speak publicly, every civic club in the world is looking for someone interesting to talk to them. If you do a good job at your first one, they'll all want you. This is an excellent way to recruit more members to your cause.

Dealing with the law

The legislation concerning dolphin captivity is different in every country. You will need to research what the law says in the specific country you are dealing with. If you find it's too complicated to do, contact an animal welfare organization in that country. They will be more than happy to help you find the information you are looking for. In fact, they probably already have the specific legislation on file and can send it to you in a matter of a few days.

In some cases the legislation regarding the keeping of cetaceans will support you in your efforts to stop a planned dolphinarium. But be prepared that in most cases it won't.

The media

Unless you can get your story out to the public, you will get nowhere in your campaign. You need the media for that. But don't call it “publicity.” A reporter or journalist of any media is not interested in your publicity. Reporters are interested in news or a good story. The reporter comes to you because he or she needs facts for the story. So you must deal in facts. Don't guess. Don't offer your opinion, your suspicion, or your hope as fact. And if you don't know the answer to a question, just say so. But if you know anything at all that the reporter needs to know, say that. Be helpful, and honest.

Don't even think about manipulating the press. You don't want to be manipulated, do you? Well, neither do reporters. And they know immediately when you try to manipulate them. Instead, think in terms of getting the information out to the public. That's what the reporter is thinking. Don't fool yourself about what the reporter should be doing. He/she is never looking for the truth. Two and two are four is true, but reporters never write about it. The reporter is looking for a good story. But only if it's true. If you help him/her, the reporter will appreciate it by calling on you in the future.

Play it straight. And don't be surprised if the media is not on your side or even fair. They usually listen to all sides of a controversy and sometimes they might favor the other side. Remember that most aquariums and amusement parks spend a fortune advertising in the local media, and newspapers and TV stations don't want to alienate their client.

Providing background

When you supply information to a reporter, have the background and supporting data of your story available. If you're talking about the law regarding dolphins, for instance, acknowledge that the law doesn't reflect our views about abuse and we're working to change it. From our viewpoint, captivity is abusive in itself. But in a climate of abuse, captivity as a form of abuse seems to be invisible to many people. Our campaign is to get them to see what we see. We want them to realize that putting dolphins in captivity is an abuse of power. Dolphins didn't volunteer to be clowns in our world. They were captured in a froth of violence and plunked into a business to amuse people, a world where they must play the fool just to stay alive. Some of these dolphins were born into this dead end job.

Until the law is changed, all we can legally do is inveigh against captivity and take note of more obvious kinds of abuse. If you were to witness a trainer kicking a dolphin, that's clearly abusive. Don't expect to see abuse like that, though. A trainer kicking a dolphin would be fired. And most trainers wouldn't dream of kicking their dolphins.

It's all about money

Back in 1938 when dolphin exploitation suddenly burst on the scene at Marine Studios in St. Augustine, Florida, USA, the public paid a few dollars each and sat in the stands to watch dolphins do their tricks. Now they've found something much more profitable to do with dolphins. Now you can “swim” with them. It's not really swimming, of course. Customers take turns holding on to the dolphins' dorsal fins and having the dolphin pull them around the tank.

My wife Helene and I monitored a swim program in the Caribbean during March of 2001. Customers entered the tank six at a time to encounter two waiting dolphins, three others on standby. The swim periods lasted less than 15 minutes each. Except for brief breaks so that the dolphins could perform in the show, the swim program we monitored was going full blast, loud techno music blaring, from 9 a.m. till after 8 p.m.

Is this abusive?

Horrendously so!

It's also quite profitable, which explains why swim programs are springing up like mushrooms.

Doing the math, we have dolphins servicing six people every 15 minutes. That's 24 people an hour. If this goes on for 11 hours, the dolphins work 264 pay periods in a single day. And at $65 per pay period, that's $17,160.

But that's not all. Three photos are taken of each person swimming with the dolphins. These cost $7 each. Assuming that each of the 264 swimmers buys one picture, that's $1,848, bringing the grand total to $19,008 a day.

Even this was not enough for proprietors of the show. The next year they raised the price from $65 to $75.

Now we all want to make a profit. But please! Not like this.

Handling delicate questions

There are a number of questions you will be asked when announcing your opposition to dolphin captivity. In many cases a journalist who has first interviewed the “other side” will ask you questions like these:

Q: What about “special cases” like Make-a-Wish Kids? These are children dying of a disease like cancer, and their final wish is to swim with a dolphin. Don't they benefit by swimming with dolphins?

A: They would benefit just as much by getting a puppy from the pound. There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that Dolphin-Assisted-Therapy works. Even if there were, it couldn't possibly justify the animal cruelty that these programs are based upon.

Q: Kids from the inner city would never otherwise see a dolphin, would they?

A: The very same kids will never see a snow leopard.

Q: If dolphins weren't on display, how would people learn to care about them or protect them?

A: Nonsense! Humpback whales are protected by people who have never seen them in captivity.

Q: What's wrong with keeping a few dolphins in captivity? There are millions of them out there.

A: It's abusive, that's what's wrong. There are millions of women and children out there, too, but that doesn't mean it's okay to abuse a few of them.

Collecting facts

Since our value as an organization is based on the facts we gather, let's consider how facts are gathered. Read books about dolphins and take notes. When you read newspapers and magazines, clip out items that relate to dolphins. This will help you learn about them. Develop a file system and date entries in your files. In collecting facts, collect complete facts, which includes exactly who did what to whom and when. Everything you learn about the subject can be put in the files and dated. From time to time, you might want to make sub-files and a key to them that will allow you to go directly to a particular item.

In your reading, you will run across the names of people who are quoted about dolphins. Collect their names and what they said in the stories. Later you can call them for verification and further information.

Gathering facts in the field about captive dolphins is sometimes quite challenging because you can't be sure that the names dolphins have are correct. Little honky-tank dolphin road shows and even the largest, most prestigious of dolphinariums have been known to substitute one dolphin for another whenever it suited them. Get to know the dolphins individually. Check out their dorsal fins, for instance. Dorsal fins in ideal dolphins are always perfect. But the dorsal fins of real dolphins are often flawed. Note the dolphin's general size, his eyes and skin condition. Many have nicks and scars.

Don't be confused by rake marks. When dolphins play or fight with one another, their teeth leave temporary superficial scrape marks on the side of their fellow dolphins' skin, the marks as if you had run your fingernails down their side. This is not necessarily abuse; it happens with dolphins in a tank, and in the wild. But for other signs you can get photos for verification if you need them. Take a video camera with you to record what you're talking about.

Avoiding pitfalls

Over the years we have worked with numerous campaigners, of which some belong to the category of people who, without knowing a whole lot about dolphins, have a strong sense that dolphins don't belong in captivity. In order to help them be more effective in their attempt at educating the public about dolphin captivity, we have had to first educate the campaigners. Knowing what kinds of mistakes first-time campaigners most frequently make, the following is meant as a help to avoid some of these common pitfalls.

1. Knowing the dolphin species

When putting together a dolphin fact sheet for your supporters, the general public and the media, it's important that the information you provide is factual. As mentioned earlier, there are about 76 species of dolphins and they are all different. Educate yourself on the specific characteristics of the particular dolphin species you are referring to. Is your campaign aimed at closing down a facility that keeps bottlenose dolphins? Or is your campaign directed at preventing the import of a Pacific white-sided dolphin or a beluga whale? Make sure that your fact sheet provides information on the specific species of dolphin you're dealing with.

Just one example:

“Dolphins in the wild swim up to 100 miles a day.”

This statement doesn't tell the reader which dolphin species we're talking about. I happen to know that the statement comes from a leaflet that aims at providing information on the bottlenose dolphin. But bottlenose dolphins don't swim up to 100 miles per day. This information applies to another dolphin species, the orca, also known as the killer whale.

A mistake like this is very unfortunate because it undermines your credibility. You don't' have to be a marine biologist to talk intelligently about dolphins, but you do need to know the difference between the basic characteristics of a bottlenose dolphin and a killer whale.

2. Knowing the dolphin issues

Another common pitfall is for a campaigner to be mislead by the dolphin captivity industry's deliberate attempt at confusing the dolphin issues. An example of this is how dolphinariums use the tuna-dolphin issue to justify the display of dolphins. They say that fisherman would still be killing dolphins in their tuna nets if people could not see dolphins up-close and personal. "You only love what you know," is their argument. But the dolphin species that get caught in tuna nets are the spinner dolphin and the spotted dolphins; not the bottlenose dolphins that are on display. Furthermore, you need to be aware of the following: Seven to ten million dolphin have been killed by the tuna industry in recent years. Environmentalists launched a boycott of canned tuna that lasted for several years. During this time, marine parks did nothing to educate the public to the tuna-dolphin issue. In fact, you could buy a tuna-fish sandwich at most dolphinariums! I suspect they did not want to disrupt the complacency of their paying guests who were there for casual amusement. It's ironic, therefore, that the captive dolphin industry is now trying to take credit for solving the tuna-dolphin problem.

3. Using US regulation as a role model

Over the years, I have been contacted by many people who wanted to prevent a proposed dolphinarium from being established in their country. One of the first things they have asked me is, “Can't we stop it by arguing that this new facility won't live up to US standards and is therefore substandard?”

The answer is no. In the United States the government agency that sets the standards for the keeping of cetaceans in captivity, such as the required amount of space, is the US Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS). According to these rules it is legal to confine a dolphin in an enclosure that measures no more than 30 by 30 feet, 6 feet deep. What kind of standard is this? Any captive dolphin facility can easily exceed it. The standards for keeping dolphins in captivity in the United States were made up by marine mammal scientists and veterinarians who were working for the dolphin captivity industry. These dolphin tanks and cages were not designed in the best interest of the animals. They were designed in the best interest of those who stood to make a profit from displaying captive dolphins. Don't expect the government agencies of the United States to do the right thing when it comes to captive dolphins. The bottom line is: The system doesn't work.

4. The “If we're going to do it, let's do it right” - pitfall

“What is the required amount of space a captive dolphin needs in order to be happy?” is another question we are often asked by first-time campaigners. They want to use this information to argue with the authorities that the size of the facility they are fighting is too small and therefore must be shut down or at least made bigger. But any tank or enclosure is too small for a dolphin. Dolphins are free-ranging marine mammals that would normally swim up to 40 miles per day. Our work is not about making the cage bigger. It's about abolishing the cage. So the answer to the question is simple: The only habitat that meets a dolphin's space requirements is - the open sea.

5. The statistics

There has been much debate about the longevity of captive dolphins compared with that of dolphins in the wild. Some animal welfare organizations publicize mortality statistics as if they were based on indisputable facts. For example, they will tell you that the average lifespan of captive bottlenose dolphins is about five years compared with 45 years in nature. This statement is highly misleading, first of all because it confuses average lifespan with maximum longevity: According to some researchers, 45 years is the maximum longevity of bottlenose dolphins in the wild, not the average lifespan (life expectancy). Secondly, nobody really knows the exact average lifespan of captive dolphins. In order to know this information one would need to have access to the records for every single dolphin that has been brought into captivity worldwide since 1938, either by the means of a capture or through captive breeding. One would have to know the exact time of capture or birth and the exact time of death. It is simply not possible to gather this information, as it is not made available to us by the dolphin captivity industry. What's more, even if were factual that dolphins last only about five years in captivity, this doesn't tell us anything about how old the dolphins were at their time of death. As you can see, it makes no sense to compare average lifespan and maximum life expectancy as seen in the statement above.

However, the biggest mistake in putting so much emphasis on captive dolphins' average lifespan compared with that of dolphins in nature is the fact that it reduces this issue to being a question of how long a captive dolphin can be kept alive. It's like saying that if the dolphin captivity industry were able to keep their dolphins alive for a certain amount of time, then there wouldn't be a problem with capturing and confining these animals. But an animal's life span cannot be used as a measurement for the animal's well being. The dolphin captivity issue is not about quantity of life; it's about quality of life, not about science, but ethics.

6. Captive born dolphins versus captured dolphins

"If the dolphinariums only used dolphins that were born in captivity, then there wouldn't be a problem," is another typical pitfall. We are aware that some captive dolphin facilities are trying to appear politically correct by displaying captive born dolphins. But we strongly oppose captive breeding. It is imperative to consider the ethics and educational value of breeding dolphins in captivity. Some dolphins have been confined within the same barren walls of a concrete tank all their lives. They think the roof is the sky and have never experienced the simplest elements of nature, such as the natural rhythms of the sea, the sunshine, and the rain. They will never swim in a straight line for as long as they desire; nor will they ever be able to use their speed, intelligence, sonar, and sense of cooperation to catch live fish. They are freaks that we have created for our own amusement, and they have no positive educational value.

7. Dolphin - Assisted - Therapy

Don't accept the use of dolphins in so-called Dolphin-Assisted-Therapy (DAT.) DAT has become a lucrative business over the last years and presents a serious threat to the welfare of dolphins, in that it creates further violent captures of dolphins worldwide.

DAT takes advantage of desperate and vulnerable parents who pay large sums of money to give their ill or disabled children what the billion-dollar dolphin captivity industry advertises as a life-enhancing dolphin experience. But there is no scientific evidence to substantiate the claim that spending time in a tank or sea enclosure with dolphins has a healing effect on people. Even if there was, could this really justify the high price that dolphins pay for our desire to be close to them? We find that it is inherently hypocritical to capture and confine dolphins - thereby destroying the quality of their lives - in an attempt to enhance our own.
When considering whether or not using dolphins to heal people is acceptable, it is important to note the following:

Dolphins are free ranging, social, sonic, and highly intelligent marine mammals. The vastness and biological diversity of the open sea cannot be duplicated in a tank or an enclosure in the sea. Consequently, the complexity of a dolphin's behavioral repertoire cannot be accommodated in captivity. Based on today’s knowledge of Cetaceans’ sophisticated physiology and highly developed emotional sense, one must conclude that confining dolphins and other whales to a small space inevitably causes stress in the animals. This negative effect of captivity is reinforced by the fact that dolphins used in Swim-With-The-Dolphins programs and DAT programs have to be trained by the means of food control to endure the constant pressure of being used as pets and "healers."

It is hardly surprising that dolphins used in swim programs have demonstrated agitated and aggressive behaviors under the stressful conditions of confinement and forced interactions with people. These behaviors have resulted in injury to swimmers. A 300-400 pound frustrated animal can cause serious injury to a human being, and there are accounts of human injuries in the form of lacerations, tooth rakes, internal injuries, broken bones and shock.

Legal concerns

The trick is to expose the people who need to be exposed as much as possible, without getting sued.

During interviews and in your printed material don't let your enthusiasm exceed the facts. Neither should you assume that quoted material you've found in the media is correct. It would be correct to say that John Doe was quoted saying “Such and such” in a certain edition of a periodical, but not that he actually said it. If you need to know whether he actually said it or not, you should verify it with him directly. And even then, it would not necessarily survive cross-examination in a court of law unless you can prove it with a witness who would back you up.
Watch out for libel. But don't be paralyzed by it. I'm not a lawyer, but I have a working theory about libelous statements in the United States: If you deal in facts and your motives are pure, don't worry about it.

Libel is too complicated to examine here except in a cursory way. You should know, however, that libel is not merely a false statement. Nobody is perfect. Libel is a statement that is published (meaning circulated to the public) and injures somebody's reputation. (Your reputation is what other people think of you.) What you write in a private letter is not libelous because it's not published. You also cannot libel the dead or anyone with a bad reputation. And it's very difficult to libel a public figure, the reason being that he put himself in the public eye and must take the risk of criticism.

As a practical matter, any statement that might injure anyone's reputation should be checked and rechecked. If the statement is true and you can prove it, go ahead and use it if you need to. Bottom line: Truth and a lack of malice is an absolute defense to charges of libel, provided you can prove it and there was a good reason to publish it in the first place.

One further thing: libel is not easy to prove. In order for the person libeled to collect in a court of law, he must show (prove) that the statement led directly to his financial loss.

Try to enlist the help of a pro-bono lawyer. If you have the money, hire one that is interested in these issues.

Using the data

So when you've gathered the information, what do you do with it?

Sometimes we have so much material that strongly indicates mistreatment of dolphins, we can go directly to the police or prosecuting attorney. In either case you will be expected to cite the law or regulation you claim is being broken and who broke it, when and where.

If your information doesn't support criminal charges, it may be strong enough for the media. Send a press release to all newspapers and TV stations in the area. They all have reporters interested in legitimate environmental subjects. Generally they're leery of a story that could backfire into a lawsuit that would cost them money - even if they win it. So you can expect them to be skeptical at first. And if they suspect that your information is not completely accurate, they'll show you the door.

Use your spell-checker. People who can spell correctly are taken more seriously.
Writing letters to the editor should always include your full name, address, and telephone number. Newspapers will most likely call you, before publishing your letter, they need to confirm that it was you who wrote the letter.

More than facts

We need facts, but the main thrust of our campaign is moral. We're saying that keeping dolphins in captivity is wrong.

Our objective is to shut down captive dolphin facilities and stop any further captures and exploitation of dolphins. Ultimately, what we want to do is free captive dolphins; return them to the wild if possible. Not all captive dolphins can be successfully released back into the wild, of course. Some dolphins have been in captivity too long and sometimes they've forgotten even how to catch a life fish or eat one. Can we tell whether a captive dolphin can make it in the wild or not?


We don't do it by training them to be free dolphins, incidentally. That's impossible. But we can give them a chance for rehabilitation by weaning them away from everything human beings have taught them and reacquainting them with the skills they depended on as dolphins in nature.

If they succeed, they're candidates for freedom. We release them, monitor them till we're sure they're okay in the wild, and then go on to the next case. For those who are not candidates, we can try to transfer them to protective custody. Our coalition would like to establish a dolphin sanctuary for these particular dolphins.

Twelve simple things you can do

1. If you hear of a planned dolphin capture, alert the media or, if possible, videotape it yourself and then hand the footage over to the media. The last thing the dolphin captivity industry wants is for the public to see images of a violent dolphin capture. This is how we stopped the captures of dolphins in the United States where there is currently a voluntary moratorium on dolphin captures.

2. Contact your government officials and representatives. Ask them to implement greater protection for marine mammals and the sea in general. There is no point in saving the dolphin without saving its habitat.

3. Write to government officials and insist that existing captive dolphin facilities be instituted to work toward the rehabilitation and release of captive dolphins.

4. Boycott captive dolphin shows and encourage your friends to do the same. Buy or rent a video of dolphins in the wild with the money that you saved.

5. Speak out. A Letter to the Editor of your local newspaper will reach thousands of people.

6. Encourage others to become interested in the plight of captive dolphins and show them how they can help.

7. Write to government officials and ask them not to approve permits for the trade (import or export) of marine mammals.

8. Remember, the commercial exploitation of dolphins is based on supply and demand, just like any other product. If you don't buy a ticket, you won't be supporting this abuse. Tell your friends.

9. Produce a free public event. Bring in some dolphin experts who are opposed to dolphin captivity and give a free lecture to the community and invite the media. This is a great way to start a campaign. We would be happy to help you with this.

10. Challenge the local dolphinarium to a public debate. The debate could be held at a television station, a public library, hotel, civic center or just about anyplace in the community. We would be happy to help you with this also. We have participated in debates with the dolphin captivity industry all over the world.

11. Start a letter writing campaign to local government officials. There are several international organizations in the animal protection community that will be willing to write a letter of support for your anti-captivity campaign.

12. Distribute your message. Produce bumper stickers, one-page flyers that can be handed out to the public, posted at bulletin boards, laundromats, libraries, grocery stores, and other public places. We have even rented full size billboards that carried our anti-captivity message.

Protesting the abuse

If the media turns its back on you, consider going public with a demonstration.

Because a protest involves a direct contact of emotional opposites, anything could happen during a demonstration. We try to script them to keep control of things. We tell police officials in advance what we're going to do so that nobody will get bopped on the head.

But nobody really knows what will happen during a protest, and that's one of the main reasons the media covers demonstrations. Though the media has turned us down in terms of a straight news or feature story, the main job of the media is still to report what people do. And that includes a staged event. It's worth covering because something truly newsworthy might happen. And if they don't cover the protest and their opposition does, they are caught off guard if something does happen. The main reason, though, is that in the back of their minds they know that real news usually begins from inside when disaffected whistle-blowers go public. And when the media refuse to listen to whistle-blowers, they do so at their peril.

Protesters are trying to alert the public to a legal or moral problem and a governmental cover up. They blow the whistle in protesting, and when the media covers it, the job is done.

Rules for protesting

1. Demonstrations and protests must be legal and peaceful. You represent your cause, so be courteous.

2. If you need a permit in order to protest, get one. You can call City Hall or the police department and ask if you need one. Always get names of people you talk to on the phone. With the permit, you will be told where you are allowed to demonstrate. Explain this to everyone in the demonstration. You will probably not be allowed to interfere with people attending the event or trying to buy a ticket.

3. If you have a lawyer, let him/her know what you're doing.

4. Only one person should speak for the group. This avoids the appearance of
conflict, which can destroy the effectiveness of the demonstration.

5. Hand out dodgers (printed only on one side) that briefly explain your position and give the group's address and phone number. If someone tosses the dodger on the ground, pick it up and give it to someone else. If they tear it up, gather up the pieces and put them in the trash. Be pleasant at all times.

Protesting really works

"Eighty percent of success is showing up"
Woody Allen

Looking back, we were successful in closing several captive dolphin facilities in the United States, some in Australia, Canada, the Middle East, Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, and other places around the world.

There's an important point here that needs to be mentioned: Almost all of these facilities were closed because caring people showed up to protest and demonstrate their concern. If protesting was not part of the campaign, these facilities would still be open for business today, and the suffering would continue.
I mention this because some animal protection organizations and individuals don't want to participate in any kind of protest. Some won't participate because they are following the policy of the conservative organization that they work for. Others seem to think that protesting is undignified or below them. Personally, I don't like protesting either, it goes against my very nature. I don't like bringing attention to myself. But it's necessary and important, so I do it anyhow.

It's important to understand that protesting really works. Many times it's the only thing that works. For example, in the United States the dolphin captivity industry stopped capturing dolphins because of a small handful of protesters that were not afraid to disrupt the dolphin captures. Many of the captive dolphins in various European amusement parks - including a discothèque - were captured in the Gulf of Mexico near Pine Island, Florida. We started protesting these captures, even to the point of getting arrested, going to jail and then on a hunger strike to bring attention to the problem. This is called civil disobedience. It attracted the media who, for the first time, exposed that fact that the captivity industry in the United States was capturing Florida dolphins and selling them to deplorable facilities abroad. We called this campaign "Export Oranges, Not Dolphins." We printed tee shirts and bumper stickers with our slogan. Eventually, the captivity industry backed off and announced that they were observing a "voluntary moratorium" on all dolphin captures. The capture of dolphins in the United States was finally over.

Why did this happen? The answer is simple: the media finally exposed the dolphin captivity industry. And the media only showed up because they were attracted by the protesters. The daily news is like show business, and the media is always looking for a good story. This is especially true with TV news. They want moving pictures, action and conflict. To them, these are elements of a good story. And we give it to them in a non-violent, peaceful manner.
Most people who visit dolphinariums never ask the right questions. They ask things like "what's the dolphin's name," "how much do they eat," or something trivial like that. The questions that they should be asking are: "How did the dolphin get here, and how long is he going to be staying here?" Questions like these are not so easy to answer, and these questions are discouraged by the dolphinarium.

The dolphinarium will have you believe that God put the dolphins there, or they came out of the sky. They don't want the visitors to know that the dolphins they are watching were actually captured. When confronted with the fact that the dolphin was captured, they will often say that this was a "humane capture." But the concept of a humane capture is an oxymoron: There is simply no such thing as a humane dolphin capture. All dolphin captures are violent and cruel.
When this kind of violent and cruel injustice is absolute, one must oppose it absolutely. And that means showing up to protest, in a non-violent, peaceful manner. The bottom line is: Direct action works.

A measure of our success

Here is a list in no particular order of captive dolphin facilities that were closed or never opened. These success stories were accomplished by ordinary people like yourself who actually showed up to protest these dolphin abusement parks:

Facility Name                       Location                       Status

Lerner Marine Lab                               Bimini, Bahamas Islands         Closed
Marineland                                            Adelaide, Australia                    Closed
Waragamba Dam Dolphinarium       Waragamba, Australia              Closed
Antwerp Zoo Dolphinarium                Antwerp, Belgium                       Closed
Hagenbeck Zoo Dolphinarium          Hamburg, Germany                   Closed
Kinder Zoo Dolphinarium                   Rapperswil, Switzerland           Closed
Tel Aviv Dolphinarium                        Tel Aviv, Israel                             Closed
Luna Park Dolphinarium                    Tel Aviv, Israel                             Closed
Seaquarium                                          San Andres, Colombia              Closed
Ocean Reef Club Dolphinarium       Key Largo, Florida                      Closed
Oklahoma City Zoo Dolphinarium    Oklahoma City, Oklahoma        Closed
Ocean World                                         Ft. Lauderdale, Florida              Closed
US Navy Dolphin Facility                   Key West, Florida                       Closed
Santos Amusement Park                   Santos, Brazil                              Closed
Dolphin Swim Program                      Buenos Aires Argentina            Closed
Ocean Expo Dolphinarium                Myrtle Beach, South Carolina  Never Opened
Dolphin Swim Program                      Managua, Nicaragua                 Never Opened
Dolphin Swim Program                      Guatemala City, Guatemala      Closed
Europapark Rust                                  Rust, Germany                            Closed
Hansaland Dolphinarium                  Hamburg, Germany                    Closed
Holiday Park Dolphinarium               Hossloch, Germany                    Closed
Phantasialand Dolphinarium            Bruhl, Germany                           Closed
Paramount Parks (four parks)           USA                                               Closed
Wonderland                                          Maple, Ontario, Canada            Closed
Worlds of Fun Dolphinarium             Kansas City, Missouri                Closed
Knotts Berry Farm Dolphinarium      Los Angeles, California             Closed
Six Flags Dolphinarium                      Aurora, Ohio                                Closed
Marine Life Dolphinarium                  Sioux Falls, South Dakota         Closed
Colorado Ocean Journey                  Denver, Colorado                       Never Opened
Virginia Marine Science Center       Virginia Beach, Virginia             Never Opened
Proposed Dolphinarium                    Maui, Hawaii                                Never Opened
Sealand Dolphinarium                       Victoria, BC                                  Never Opened
Montreal Biodome                              Quebec, Canada                         No Belugas
Vancouver Aquarium                         Vancouver, Canada                    No Orca Show
Granby Zoo                                          Quebec, Canada                         Never Opened
Dolphin Swim Park                             Les Arcadins Islands, Haiti        Closed
Flamingo Land                                    England                                         Closed
Brighton Dolphinarium                      England                                         Closed
Morecambe Dolphinarium                England                                         Closed
Windsor Safari Park                           England                                          Closed
Moulin Rouge Nightclub                   Paris, France                                 Closed
Seaorama                                            Galveston, Texas                          Closed
Ocean World                                        Ft. Lauderdale, Florida               Closed
Cedar Fair                                            Sandusky, Ohio                            Closed
Kings Island                                         Kings Island, Ohio                        Closed
Six Flags over Texas                          Arlington, Texas                           Closed
Six Flags Mid-America                      Eureka, Missouri                           Closed
Astro-World of Houston                     Houston, Texas                              Closed
Six Flags Magic Mountain                Los Angeles, California               Closed
Paradise                                              Acapulco, Mexico                          Closed
Centro Vacacional Oaxtepec           Mexico                                            Never Opened
Edmonton Shopping Mall                 Edmonton, Canada                     Closed
Louisville Marine Display                 Louisville, Kentucky                     Never Opened
Dolphin Discovery                             Antigua, West Indies                    Closed
Atlantida Dolphinarium                    St. Martin, Dutch West Indies      Never Opened
Connyland Dolphinarium               Liperswil, Switzerland                   Closed
San Juan Dolphinarium                    San Juan, Puerto Rico               Never Opened
Dolphin Lagoon                                 Maldives Islands                         Never Opened
Louisville Aquarium                           Louisville, Kentucky                   Never Opened
Vodnjan Dolphinarium                    Vodnjan, Croatia                           Never Opened

Japanese Whalers Fire Their First Shot of the Season – at Sea Shepherd

Commentary by Captain Paul Watson

The Japanese whaling fleet's factory vessel, the Nisshin Maru

The Japanese whaling fleet's factory vessel, the Nisshin Maru
Photo: Sea ShepherdIt looks like the Japanese whaling fleet is ready to rumble.

They fired their opening shot today by having the United States 9th District Court issue an injunction against Sea Shepherd and Captain Paul Watson, specifically.

The court order was a single page e-mail granting the injunction despite the fact that the preliminary injunction was denied in February 2012 by Judge Richard Jones in Seattle.

In a completely unprecedented move, the preliminary injunction was granted by three judges on the 9thCircuit before a hearing has taken place and before the trial on this matter slated for September 2013.

It is a complex situation whereby a United States Court is issuing an injunction against Dutch and Australian vessels carrying an international crew, operating out of Australia and New Zealand in international waters and the waters of the Australian Antarctic Economic Zone. In addition the Court has ignored the fact that the Japanese whalers are in contempt of a court order by the Australian Federal Court and the whaling takes place in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.

What is the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society going to do?

Sea Shepherd’s position is clear: Our ships, officers and crew are 100% committed to achieving a zero-kill quota on whales. This is Operation Zero Tolerance and 120 crewmembers from 26 different nations are prepared to risk their lives to defend endangered and protected whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. Sea Shepherd is committed to defending the integrity of this internationally established sanctuary.

What is the purpose of a whale sanctuary codified into international law if Japan can kill whales within its territorial waters while in contempt of the Australian Federal Court?

We expect that the Japanese whaling fleet was waiting for this ruling before departing from Japan. They will find when they arrive that we will still be there guarding the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary with our ships and our lives.

“We will defend these whales as we have for the last eight years – non-violently and legally,” said Captain Paul Watson.

"Sail forth - steer for the deep waters only,
Reckless O soul, exploring, I with thee and thou with me,
For we are bound where mariner has not yet dared to go,
And we will risk the ship, our selves and all."

- Walt Whitman

For the whales,
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Captains, Crew, Directors and Staff

The Nisshin MaruThe Nisshin Maru
Photo: Sea Shepherd

The Nisshin Maru in  dry dock

The Nisshin Maru in dry dock
Photo: Sea Shepherd

Zero Tolerance

Visit our
Operation Zero Tolerance
site for more information about our
2012-2013 Antarctic Whale Defense Campaign

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The SSS Sam Simon is Unveiled in Hobart, Tasmania

December 10, 2012

by Captain Locky Maclean

The SSS Sam Simon is the newest vessel to join Sea Shepherd's fleet

The SSS Sam Simon is the newest vessel
to join Sea Shepherd's fleet

Photo: Carolina A Castro / Sea ShepherdAfter months of speculation, anticipation and the announcement that Los Angeles-based philanthropist and co-creator of TV’s “The Simpsons,” Sam Simon, had donated funds for the purchase of a ship, Sea Shepherd's new Antarctic patrol ship, the SSS Sam Simon, was unveiled today in the port of Hobart, Tasmania, docked at Macquarie Wharf 1.

Her 56-meter hull painted bright white with a classic Sea Shepherd Conservation Society logo on her sides, and displaying a large “S” on her tall black smokestack, the Sam Simon has clearly received several months of careful preparation prior to Sea Shepherd's most ambitious Antarctic campaign yet.

Registered in Melbourne, Australia, the Sam Simon carries a crew of 24 international volunteers, ready to brave the Southern Ocean to seek out and shut down the illegal Japanese whaling fleet.

The vessel, retired from service by the Japanese Government in 2010, has since been laid up in Shimonoseki, Japan, alongside the very ships Sea Shepherd will confront this season.

Originally built as Seifu Maru in 1993 by IHI shipyard in Tokyo, to a high standard with no expense spared by the Japanese Government, the ice-strengthened steel vessel was operated by the Maizuru Meteorogical Observatory, a department of the Japan Meteorological Agency, out of Kyoto Prefecture.

While Sea Shepherd and most of the world agrees that the word “research” has no place in the Institute of Cetacean Research’s (ICR's) whaling program, Seifu Maru was indeed responsible for a considerable amount of real ocean current data contributing to Japan's western North Pacific Whaling Program (JARPN).

Captain of the Sam Simon, Locky Maclean, stated: “After months of secrecy, it is such a great feeling to finally be able to fly the Sea Shepherd flag from the main mast, and yes, Sea Shepherd now owns a real Japanese research ship!”

With four vessels departing for the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, Sea Shepherd's Operation Zero Tolerance aims to find the Japanese whaling fleet and chase it out of the Antarctic Treaty Zone without a single whale killed.  It is Sea Shepherd's most ambitious campaign, and the culmination of a decade's conservation work in the Antarctic, which has drastically reduced the amount of whales killed by Japan's ICR.

Japan's ICR has set itself a quota of nearly one thousand minke and 50 fin whales to be culled during the 2012/2013 Australian summer in Antarctica.

The Sam Simon will be open for public tours Friday, Saturday and Sunday in Hobart prior to departing for the Southern Ocean next week.

The SSS Sam Simon

The SSS Sam Simon
Photo: Carolina A Castro / Sea Shepherd

Zero Tolerance

Visit our
Operation Zero Tolerance
site for more information about our
2012-2013 Antarctic Whale Defense Campaign

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Long Journey Home and Now The Voyage Begins

Commentary by Captain Paul Watson

Captain Watson onboard the SSS Steve Irwin

Captain Watson onboard the SSS Steve Irwin
Photo: Tim Watters / Sea Shepherd

This week is my birthday week and a wonderful week indeed because I received the best of all possible gifts. The deck of the Steve Irwin is again under my feet. I have an awesome crew and our ship is on course for Antarctica.

It has been a long journey from Germany to where I am now.

Across two oceans and countless rivers, over three mountain ranges, across a desert, over lakes, and through dozens of cities and towns.  A total of 9,000 miles covered from Frankfurt, Germany to the Southern Pacific Ocean.

A trifle inconvenient without a passport or any form of identification and all the more difficult without credit cards or access to ATM machines, without access to the internet or even a cell phone.

Dark to the point of invisible but it was this invisibility that has kept me out of the clutches of Japan — despite their resources, their small army of lawyers and their ability to use their economic clout to place me on the Interpol Red List on politically motivated bogus charges.

It has been seven months since the Germans detained me at Frankfurt airport and four months since I left Germany.

I would not have made it here without the loyalty and resourcefulness of supporters, friends, and family.

And because of them, I now have returned to the Steve Irwin, traveling primarily through the largest and most free nation in the world – The Ocean!

I can’t go into details of my travels over the last four months.  I may have to do it again sometime in the future.

More importantly, we need to now focus on the immediate future and not the recent past.

Our ships and our crew are on the move. The Steve Irwin and I are at sea. The Bob Barker left on November 30th from Sydney. The Brigitte Bardot is also at sea and the Sam Simon remains in an undisclosed location amidst rumors and speculations as to what and where it is. All I can say is that Locky MacLean, a citizen of both France and Canada, is the Captain.

I am now the Captain of the Steve Irwin once again. Peter Hammarstedt, a citizen of Sweden and the USA, is the Captain on the Bob Barker and captaining the Brigitte Bardot is world famous French sailor, the legendary Jean Yves Terlain.

Four ships with four captains and officers and crew, 120 people from 24 nations: Austria, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Great Britain, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden and the United States.

The objective of Operation Zero Tolerance is to intercept and intervene against the intent of the Japanese whaling fleet to murder 1,035 whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. Our purpose is twofold: to save the lives of whales and to cost the Japanese whaling industry as much as we possibly can in financial losses. Last year, we cost them roughly $22 million U.S. dollars despite the fact that they received a $30 million dollar subsidy stolen from the victims of the Japanese Tsunami Relief Fund.

And as always, our actions are undertaken in the Buddhist spirit of Hayagriva, where we do not cause physical injury to our opponents. We target their intentions and thwart their lethal ambitions, but we never harm them. Unfortunately, they do not share our compassion and thus the risks our crews face are considerable.

We have never been stronger, nor more determined. Our dedication to defending the integrity of the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary is undiminished, for we know that the key to success is persistence, patience and perseverance.

We have succeeded in bankrupting the whaling fleet. We have sunk them economically. Now we need to sink them politically.

Back in 1977 we opposed the slaughter of whales in Western Australia when Australia was a stubborn whaling nation. Today, Australia is the leading nation in the world defending the whales. That gives me great hope for Japan. Japan can be a great force for good with marine conservation, and more and more Japanese are supporting us every year. I believe that one day Japan will be a nation that also protects the whales and no longer kills them, just like Australia has become today.

Whaling is becoming unpopular in Japan. Only a few years ago, the Japanese whaling fleet would depart from the dock with cheering crowds, bands, ribbons and widespread media coverage.

They departed this week from an obscure location, without fanfare; shamefully sneaking out to sea for fear that we would see them.

Earlier in the month we issued a statement saying that we would confront them off the coast of Japan and apparently they believed it. Their Coast Guard mobilized and they went to a great deal of expense and effort to sneak quietly out of port.

Of course we had no intention of heading North at all. We are waiting for them in the South, but before they reach the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.

Our ships will spread out to guard the approaches to the Sanctuary and once the Nisshin Maru is found we will block any attempt to undertake whaling operations.

I do hope that this will be the last year we must make the long, expensive and dangerous voyage to the Southern Ocean but we will return again next year and the year after that, and every year thereafter until the whale killing is ended.

We have become the guardians of the whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary and we will never surrender to these killers.

A special thank you to all of you who have donated to Sea Shepherd and made it possible for our ships to be where we are now. We still need your help to refuel the vessels to allow us to keep our stations down here at the bottom of the planet as the guardians of the great whales.

We do what we do so the whales may live. We do what we do for the children of the future, so that they may live in a world with whales, for when the whales are no more, the sea will die and when the sea is no more – we, all of us, will die!

As I stand on the bridge wing of the Steve Irwin looking over the vast inky blue shroud of the ocean, I see between the sea and the amber cloud speckled golden sky — a single spout directly ahead and that spout symbolizes life.

As the sun sets to the west, a flash of green sparks on the horizon and I feel that there can be no place I would rather be or anyplace that I could be more happy than upon these life-sustaining waters on a quest to defend Leviathan.

Zero Tolerance

Visit our
Operation Zero Tolerance
site for more information about our
2012-2013 Antarctic Whale Defense Campaign

Genius -The Movie

Published on Dec 5, 2012 by thewayofthemaster

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If you think you know everything there is to know about John Lennon, think again. Genius will open your eyes.
From the Producers of "180" movie.

Monday, December 3, 2012

My other passion


Back in 1995 a show appeared on TV, The New Adventures of Flipper.  When i saw this show on TV i fell in love with dolphins and all other sea life.  I wanted to become a marine biologist and spend my life working for the sea and it’s life, but God had other plans. 

the covesea-shepherd2

I still have a love for the sea and i get hooked on shows and movies like The Cove, Whale Wars, and the coming soon Blood Dolphins.  It hurts to watch these shows because every time i see one of animals killed… well it sucks.    


After seeing the Cove i wanted to hunt me some  people. if you have never seen this movie you need to watch it and be just as mad as i am.  see the thing i don’t get is that if you kill a dog you can be thrown in jail, but if you kill a dolphins… you can make money.  the question i have is “how can people be so mean?” 

Now please don’t think i am some kind of tree hugger or anything like that. i eat meat and i am a hunter but i don’t kill for fun i kill to survive.  My family never had a lot of money growing up and deer season was a gift from God. we never killed more then we needed and we never shot unless we knew we had the kill.   I still eat meat, not as much as i use too but i still do. i will never be upset for a person killing for food but when it come to a unless kill that upset me. 


Whales, dolphins, sharks and every other living thing in the oceans need to be left alone.  what will happen when all the whales are gone from the ocean, haven’t  you all seen Star Trek 4.


Friday, November 16, 2012

What's the Big Deal About KJV Onlyism? Response to Episode 4

Yet another great video explaining why Sam Gipp is wrong and misleading people in this whole crazy idea that the King James Bible is the only word of God.  Thank you once again Dr. James White for stand up ageist these crazy ideas. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Which Bible Translation Should I Use?


By DevinMaddox

Posted on 19 Sep 2012

It's a question every customer faces when they walk into their local Christian bookstore. With so many options, it can be difficult to know where to start. Are the translations really that different? Is one better than the other?

Editors Andreas J. Kostenberger and David A. Croteau, with B&H Publishing, set out to address these questions in their new book Which Bible Translation Should I Use. Though B&H published the HCSB, they thought it helpful to provide readers with a comparative/contrastive look at four major modern Bible translations (ESV, HCSB NIV, NLT). Each author played some significant role with the translation about which they write, and three of the essays were lectures in the Fall 2011 Liberty University Biblical Studies Symposium on Bible translation. QR codes are located on the pages to view symposium lectures as well.

While we would unreservedly commend the HCSB in answering this question, we whole-heartedly commend this book to anyone seeking to purchase a Bible, or simply desiring to learn more about Bible translation. All of the scholars who contributed to Which Bible Translation Should I Use? are top-notch, and book is a helpful guide to discovering which English Bible translation is best for you. English-speakers have been afforded an abundant stewardship in the way of Scripture, and we see this book as tremendously helpful in that endeavor.

One of the most frequently asked questions related to the Bible is, Which Bible translation should I use?; People often wonder what is the all-around best English Bible translation available. In this book, Douglas Moo, Wayne Grudem, Ray Clendenen, and Philip Comfort make a case for the Bible translation he represents: the NIV 2011 (New International Version), the ESV (English Standard Version), the HCSB (Holman Christian Standard Bible), and the NLT (New Living Translation) respectively. In each case, the contributors explain the translation philosophy under- lying these major recent versions. They also compare and contrast how specific passages are translated in their version and other translations. Which Bible Translation Should I Use? is ideal for anyone who is interested in the Bible and wants to know how the major recent English translations compare. After you’ve read this book, you will be able to answer the title question with confidence. You will also learn many other interesting details about specific passages in the Bible from these top experts.

Title: Which Bible Translation Should I Use?

Authors: Andreas J. Kostenberger and David A. Croteau

Price: $14.99 (print) $9.99 (kindle)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Here is St. Louis

Anastasis Films

Here is St. Louis

by Anastasis Films Plus1 day ago

Out of our love and passion for St. Louis City, we wanted to showcase some of the places and people that make it great. With special music from Band Called Catch (

People and Places we filmed:
Bogart’s Smoke House, Carlos’ Hot Dogs, Cathedral Basilica, Cherokee Street Bikes, City Garden, City Museum, City of St. Louis, Climb So Ill, Drumline of St. Louis, Drummer Terry Wicks, Firecracker Press, Fire Dept. Ice Cream, Fitz’s, Gelateria Del Leone, It’s a St. Louis Thing, Kakao Chocolate, Kaldi’s Coffee, La Vallesana, Missouri, Botanical Gardens, Moonrise Hotel, Pint Size Bakery, Pi Pizzeria, Schlafly, Soulard Farmer’s Market, Soulard, Spice Shop, Soulard Florist, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis Cardinals, St. Louis City Hall, St. Louis Metro, St. Louis Zoo, Sump Coffee, Ted Drewes, The Mud House, Three Sixty Bar, Tivoli Theater, Washington University, World’s Fair Donuts, World War Memorial

Friday, August 31, 2012

FIRST-PERSON: 5 things I wish I had known as a young pastor

Rob Pochek; Posted on Aug 30, 2012

WILSON, N.C. (BP) -- I left my breakfast meeting with a young pastor and realized, with a measure of sadness, that I was no longer a "young pastor." He was facing a number of ministry challenges that seemed very familiar to me.

As I shared with him some of the lessons I had learned, he remarked, "I wish I had known this three years ago." It occurred to me that the lessons I shared with him were ones that I wish I had been told when a small country church that allowed a rough, unrefined college student to get his feet wet in ministry. As I look back, there are (at least) five things I wish I had been aware of when I was just starting out:

1. You are pastoring a parade. The first time I had a family leave the church I was leading, I was personally hurt. I thought that I had really messed up as a pastor, or in my more frustrated moments, I thought that they "just didn't get it." What I failed to realize is that, sometimes, God removes people from your ministry for your benefit. And, I am sure, sometimes he moves them for their benefit! It was John Maxwell I first heard say, "every pastor pastors a parade ... people are always coming and going." As I have watched people "come and go" over the years, I have learned to trust solely in the Lord to bring people that would add benefit to the church. It is, after all, his church to build. Indeed, God often removes someone in order to drive us to Him, and then blesses us with someone else who adds tremendous value to the church. So, as a young pastor, be prepared for the fact that people will come and go, and trust that God is doing so for your benefit and for the good of the body.

2. The people who demand the most serve the least. As a young pastor, my assumption was that the people who gave and served most faithfully would demand most of my attention. The truth was the exact opposite. The people who demand the most are typically those who give the least and serve the least. And, upon reflection, that makes sense. When people are faithful and obedient to give of themselves and their resources to advance God's Kingdom, they are far less inclined to believe they should have a pastor's undivided attention. So, don't be surprised when those most disappointed in you and who criticize you the harshest are those who have the least invested in the ministry of the local church.

3. You will see ugly behavior. I have to be honest; this lesson comes from my wife. I asked her what she wished she would have known when we first started out. Her comment was, "you will see the ugliest behavior you can imagine in the church." Now, please don't think of my wife as a bitter crank. She is not. Rather, as the wife of a young pastor, she was not prepared for the "ugly behavior" that she saw. As a young pastor it is important to remember that you are not the only one who hears the criticism of others. You need to be sure to help your family understand that such behavior is sin and we ought not return sinful behavior with sinful behavior. Instead, let the Lord defend you as you exhibit Christlikeness in the face of criticism.

4. You are irreplaceable (but not at church). A lot of pastors act as if they are irreplaceable at the church they are serving. That is why they cancel or postpone family outings and activities to attend to the latest need of a church member. But, being irreplaceable at the church is not what is intended here. Rather, you are irreplaceable at home. Think about it: You likely were not the first pastor of the church you are serving and hopefully you won't be the last. But your role as husband and father are the only truly unique roles you will have in life. I first heard this idea from Andy Stanley at a critical time in my life. I spent nearly half of my pastoral ministry taking my family for granted as I tried to be the pastor everyone else wanted me to be. Thankfully, I have learned that it does not profit us to grow a "successful" church and lose our family. A careful examination of 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 2:6 illustrates the importance the Lord places on you faithfully discharging your duties as husband and father as a prerequisite to serving as a pastor.

5. Preach the Word. Every year the market is filled with the latest books on how to grow a church. Some of that advice is really good, being based on solid research into churches that are growing. Others are not so good. The temptation for young pastors is to find a concept or idea that they resonate with and decide to run with it. Or, worse, they simply attempt to copy what is working somewhere else. However, while there is much to gain from missiologists and church growth practitioners, there is one thing that must not be forgotten. The only thing we have to say that is of any value to our people is found in the Word of God. No church growth gimmicks, slick presentations, or changes in style can replace the power of the man of God, hidden behind the cross, preaching Christ from all of Scripture.

When I was a younger pastor, I wish I had been warned about these things. As a more experienced pastor, I have to remind myself of them constantly. Regardless of which describes you, may we all be mindful to "not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up" (Galatians 6:9).

Rob Pochek is senior pastor at Raleigh Road Baptist Church in Wilson, N.C. Get Baptist Press headlines and breaking news on Twitter (@BaptistPress), Facebook ( ) and in your email (